WooCommerce plugin to sell Webinarjam webinars

My friend needed to sell webinars with Webinarjam and I’ve created plugin for WooCommerce for it.

You can download it from GitHub https://github.com/MikhailRoot/woo-webinarjam

How it works?

You create webinars and products for them to sell on your wordpress+woocommerce website and sell them as usuall virtual products.

Client will recieve webinarjam access links as he pays for it via email.

And of course payment methods could be all that woocommerce supports.

You as admin will recieve same links to your admin email to make sure you’ll not lose this sensitive information due to technical problems and email delivery issues.


You are free to use this plugin without any charge.

You can say “thank you” to me via registration to webinarjam via my registration affiliate link .

It does not increase price for you but I receive in this case some money from them.

Note all other links on this page are not affiliate links.

Thank you!


  1. First of all you need to register on WebinarJam.
  2. Then you need to create your first webinar in webinarjam control panel
  3. install plugin into your WordPress+woocommerce website as usual by uploading zip archive to WordPress plugins installation dialog, and activate it.
  4. go to WordPress Dashboard -> Settings -> WebinarJam Settings
  5. paste you API key from webinarjam and save settings (you need this to be done only once, as API key is not changes).
    • you’ll recieve API key when you create your first Webinarjam webinar in Integrations step -> Api Custom Integrations section.
    • save your webinarjam webinar and you’ll be able to select it in Woocommerce product creation dialog further.
  6. Go to Products page in Woocommerce and click add Product.
  7. in Product type selection dropdown list will be a new item – Webinarjam – just select it
  8. there will be product settings tab Select webinar and dropdown list to select your already created in webinarjam.com panel webinars. Choose which you want to sell.
  9. Set price for this webinar.
  10. add description, photo or anything you need to specify like for usuall woocommerce product and click Publish.

Happy webinars selling!

7 thoughts on “WooCommerce plugin to sell Webinarjam webinars”

  1. Hey Mikhail,

    Thanks for this!

    I tried to follow your affiliate link in this post, but it looks like the domain has expired. Do you have an updated link?



    1. Thank you! I’m happy if my code works for you. Affiliate link doesn’t matter now so don’t worry about it.
      Developer gets happier when his code is used 🙂 rather then getting some affiliate fees.

  2. Hi Mikhail. Thank you very much for this plugin, excellent work. I still can’t believe it’s free.

    Wanted to know if there is any way to configure the plugin to register people immediately they pay and the order is in “processing order”?

    Currently the order must be manually marked as “completed” for registration to WebinarJam to complete. Until this is done, the registration is not complete.

    Thanks for your attention.

    1. Good day Victor! Current plugin’s behavior is it should make order autocompleted once payment got processed, could you type me what Woocommerce version you are using so I can check it more. Also what payment gateways you are using with woocommerce?

      1. Hi Mikhail, sorry for the delay in answering you.

        That’s right, the problem was with the payment gateway I was using. Now I have it with PayPal and Stripe and it works like a charm.

        You cannot imagine how grateful and pleased I am with this plugin. Excellent work.

        Thank you!

      2. I take this opportunity to ask you, because I think you could help me with this modification.

        I need that, at the end of the purchase of a WebinarJam conference in WordPress, instead of going to the WooCommerce thank you page, you are redirected to the WebinarJam thank you page. In other words, the URL that is generated in the “thank_you_url” field.

        This is very important, because there are many people who do not receive the confirmation email, and on that page is the information to access in case of not receiving the email.

        Do you think you can make that modification to the plugin? Of course, I would pay you for that. You just send me your quote and the payment method.

        Or perhaps, much easier, you could give me a shortcode that I can put on my thank you page in which the data that it returns is that URL.

        What I need is a way for them to immediately make the purchase, see their login data on the screen.

        Thank you, I await your response.

        Vícror García

  3. Hello again Mikhail,

    I wanted to ask you if there is any way I can include the URL of the Thank You Page from Webinar Jam in my WooCommerce Thank You Page?

    Does your plugin have any shorcode, code, or something that I can put on my Thank You page so that after the purchase on my page the URL of WebinarJam appears?

    This information is recorded in the WooCommerce order but I have not found a way to include it in the Thak You page.

    I appreciate your attention.


    Victor Garcia

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