Laravel 5.3 Elixir nghtml2js extenstion with watcher

Today I’ll share experience of creating custom extension for Elixir gulp based build system on Laravel 5.3

There are countless ways of gulp usage, Elixir is built to simplify common gulp tasks implementation.  If you develop AngularJs  powered application you’ll definitelly will wan’t to complile your directives/components templates into Angular module and minify it to preload them to template cache.

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Laravel homestead xdebug with PHPStorm

This is “yet another howto” set up xdebug on Laravel homestead  with PhpStorm.

Homestead has xdebug extension installed out of the box.  Latest PhpStorm versions offer  Zero-configuration Web Application Debugging so you dont need to create specific debugging configuration in IDE. The only thing you need to do is to add some more configuration options to xdebug config file.

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