Hi my name is Mikhail Durnev.
I’m a Fullstack web developer. With passion to study and dive deep in technologies and theory.
I’m always open for cool interesting projects to build so feel free to contact me.
What technologies am I familiar with?
- From a theoretical point of view I feel comfortable both with OOP and functional approaches.
- For server side I primarily use PHP, also have experience developing ASP.NET backend with C#.
- Most of my current work is done with WordPress developing custom plugins and themes.
- Among PHP frameworks I worked with Laravel and I definitely like it.
- Now i’m also digging into NodeJS using Express and Feathers frameworks.
- For complex and feature rich frontend development i like to use AngularJS, if I need to do something small I can write it in plain “Vanilla” JS.
- For WordPress themes and plugins without complex logic I use built in jQuery without a need of overhead of extra libraries.
- also as of Angular 2 arrived with TypeScript i’m on a way of studying them too.
- I’m comfortable with LESS\SASS and Gulp to build frontend.
- I mostly work with Git but also have experience with TFS.
I love:
– to create new things making their user’s life better and make them happier.
– to dive deep into business processes to understand them completely and to envision and accomplish best user experience for business processes automation.
– to discover new technologies and put them to work to get best results.